Sand Through My Toes

My big adventure in the sand

Archive for the day “July 31, 2012”

Safely in Bagram, now heading to Kabul..

Hi all!  Wow, what a hectic night we endured — well, at least 6 of us as the others stayed behind for a flight tomorrow night!  12:15 showtime after being told at 11:30 we would be heading out that evening!!  F*$)%….  Gathered up all my stuff, grabbed the Kevlar vest, helmet, belt and my weapon of choice and hung around the terminal until 2:15 when it was time to load the bus.  Pull up on the tarmac and see this HUGE US Air Force plane — a C17 — waiting for us to load!  It was amazing.  The plane is huge — it had pallets of gear, seats all along the side and 5 seats in the middle of the beast!  I wasnt sure how it was going to life off with all the gear and folks, and gas, and just being a monstrosity!  I loved every minute of the flight! Picture the AFN commercial where you see the military walking up the back of a plane to load, well, that was the kind of plane I was on — with 135 of my closest military and civilian acquaintances!!!   Must admit, military folk are extremely courteous and helpful — especially to the sweaty girl trying to balance her Kevlar vest, helmet swinging from it, weapon on but not with a cartridge, and the dreaded backpack!  Helped to get it all off me and plopped down in my seat for the 3  hr 45 min flight!  Now it’s time to get on the next US Air Force plane — I believe this time will be a C130!  Sorry, no pics allowed on the flight line so have nothing to show of the movement from Kuwait to my in-processing center.  First thing I noticed when we got off the c17, it feels about 85 here and is much more pleasant than Kuwait!  Damn, it was HOT there!

Once I am settled in Kabul, I’ll need to shower – won’t even tell you the last time that occurred — and then I will update my living arrangements there for the next three days!  Thank goodness for travel fresh wipes is all that all of us girls are saying at this time.  :-).    Happy Tuesday!!

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